วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Mars Enters Gemini: Turning Ideas into Action (July 11, 2009) & Joins Venus in Gemini

Mars is the Roman God of War in Mythology

The actual red color of the planet represents the bloodshed of war. This
is an aggressive masculine planet indeed, a true warrior in all matters
involving the life force, will, and courage.

The personality of Mars is highly energetic, strong, sexual, and
confident—qualities that are especially associated with aggressive sports
and other competitive activities. In all life areas Mars is the initiator,
warrior and conqueror who goes about achieving his goals with
single-minded determination.

In the old astrology before Pluto was assigned to the 8th House; Mars
ruled Aries and the 1st House (Personality & Self-Expression) as well as
Scorpio and the 8th House (Death and Regeneration). In the body Mars rules
the genitals, adrenal glands, gallbladder, and muscles.

Mars also Represents your Life Force Energy

Depending in which sign Mars is located in your chart; you will be able to
understand how your energy flows, what the obstacles are and what you
should consider relating to your self-expression.

The level and specifics of your life force energy are significant to your
ability to achieve your goals in life. Your state of health is directly
related to it as well.

For example in my chart Mars is in Cancer; a water sign which is not
considered a very strong or good position for Mars. As a result of that I
had to struggle all my life with having not the energy available I would
like to have. For some years I had to deal with chronic fatigue and always
had health issues of some kind. I had to learn over time to be more
conserving and conservative with my energy and plan my day and life
accordingly to it.

Mars Enters Gemini

Mars moving into Gemini will set the overall tone and general impact for
all of us. But even more interesting is to determine how it will influence
you more specifically as an individual. For that you need to look into
your individual birth chart.

The transiting Mars is moving around the Sun, through the zodiac in 687
days and will be activating different signs, houses and planets at
different times in your horoscope and in your life.

Today we will just have a look at the overall implications of Mars in
Gemini. But you will be able to use that information for your personal
chart as well. These are the specific qualities of Gemini:

Gemini: Inspired Communicator and Curious Butterfly

May 21–June 21

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Gender: Masculine

Geminis have great minds! They are fast learners and interested in a great
variety of topics, so they accumulate a large store of knowledge.
Additionally, the have the ability to communicate their knowledge very
well and make great conversationalists. They need the stimulation of
moving like a butterfly from one thing that catches their interest to the
next. This gives them flexibility—they don't get stuck for long in one
place and are always ready for a new challenge. A drawback of their
fascination with details is that they might miss the bigger picture. They
excel in all fields involving the written or spoken word.

An Energetic Mars is Entering the Restless Gemini

You could say that with energetic Mars entering restless Gemini there will
be lots of mental activity going on, but also a potential for more
flexibility in our actions and more openness to try on new ideas and
methods. But we can also get easily distracted and scattered in the
expression of our energy flow.

In general this is an excellent time for expanding your mental horizon,
learning new things, opening up to new ideas, studying to learn new
skills, polishing up on your writing or speaking abilities or meeting new
people. You may start new projects of any kind. You could sign up for some
social networking sites and explore the instantaneous connectedness with
like minded people all over the world. You can start organizing your
thoughts and ideas by journaling regularly. The list is endless!

Venus is already in Gemini for some Days

Venus has been moving into the light hearted Gemini at July 5th. It
brought in some uplifting of our mood and a more adventures spirit in
meeting new people or friends. Venus, the Goddess of love and harmony
smoothes the path to connecting and communicating with more ease and a
lighter spirit. Venus will be in Gemini till August 1st which means we
will have some time to adjust to that flow and use it to our advantage.
You can read more about Venus in Gemini in an earlier post on my blog if
you like.(jewelryandgemsforselfdiscovery.com/blog/?p=565)

Get inspired and enjoy the ride to new horizons which is a very joyful

If you are looking for an introduction into astrology and learning about
how to use healing gems to balance frictions and challenges in your chart
you might have a look at my book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery:
Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul.

If you enjoyed this post and my astrological musings, I invite you to
visit my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog
http://www.jewelryandgemsforselfdiscovery.com/blog/ where I discuss the
universal, astrological forces and ways to balance yourself with the help
of healing gems and inspire you to apply your insights for a more
successful and joyful life.

Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author

