perform yoga poses, especially the more difficult asanas. Depending on the
yoga pose, bolsters help by supporting and stretching your back, chest,
abdomen, hamstrings, and other parts of your body. For example, placing a
bolster underneath your back helps stretch your chest, extend your spine
and stretch your thighs.
Why You May Need Yoga Bolsters
To support and provide comfort for your body when performing difficult
yoga poses.
How To Choose The Right Yoga Bolster
Yoga bolsters come in various shapes, sizes, textures, and colors. These
factors will help determine the one you choose for yourself.
Shape and Size -Yoga bolsters normally come in two shapes: cylindrical and
rectangular. And their sizes vary, as well. Cylindrical bolsters are
generally 9 inches in diameter x 25 inches long whereas rectangular
bolsters are usually 12 inches wide x 6 inches thick x 25 inches long.
So, should you get a cylindrical or a rectangular yoga bolster? Well, both
types of bolsters can help equally well with most poses, but the different
shapes do offer slight advantages for certain yoga asanas. Consider which
poses are difficult to you and decide which type of bolster will help you
more. Basically, you want to make sure the yoga bolster you choose
supports you properly when you do the more challenging poses.
Also keep in mind that because cylindrical bolsters are longer than
rectangular bolsters, they are larger and heavier and may be difficult for
you to carry around.
Here's an easy tip: If you like the bolsters you use in your yoga class,
then just buy a similar one.
Texture -Yoga bolsters are usually made from material such as natural
fibers (for example, pure cotton batting) or a resilient poly blend that
helps bolsters retain their shape, even after repeated compression.
Make sure the yoga bolster is not too soft or too hard. It should be firm
and dense enough to provide you with optimum support in many yoga
You may also want to consider getting one with light filling so the
bolster is easy to tote.
Color -Yoga bolsters come in a variety of colors such as green, cranberry,
purple, navy, black. When practicing yoga, it's helpful to be surrounded
by soothing, warm colors. Of course, some may get brightly colored
bolsters to show their individuality. It is a matter of individual
Other things to consider when choosing a yoga bolster include price (they
generally range between $40 to $50), brand (bolsters made by well-known
companies may be more durable and last longer), and extra features such as
handles and removable, machine-washable covers (rectangular bolsters
typically have non-removable covers).
Hopefully, you can now choose the right yoga bolster to help you with
those difficult yoga poses.