games in a couple of steps? Then simply keep on reading as the aim of this
article is to teach you exactly that. Before I teach you these three
simple steps you're going to need items that will allow you to copy video
You will need game copying software, blank disks, original games, a
computer and a step by step tutorial is also very helpful if you're new to
copying video games, this is however an optional requirement as you will
soon pick up the process very quickly.
The game copying software is an essential part of the process as no normal
copying software will work simple because video games have a higher
encryption rate than music disks or movies. The software you pick is
completely up to you, some of them work well and some of them don't, just
make sure you do research first.
Once you have selected the software that suits your needs simply install
it on your computer by inserting the disk and waiting for the installation
wizard asking you to install, select yes and wait for the installation to
become complete. The second step in this easy process is to now run the
program that you previously installed, once the program is up and running
it will ask you to insert a game and a blank disk, which will lead us onto
our third and final step. Insert the blank disk and the original game
disk; you will then have to wait a couple of minutes while the information
is transferred from the video game to the blank disk.